Credits transfer from Technical college system to U.W. System
 - A 978; S 644
High school pupils attending college - A 146, 919; S 115, 578
Sexual assault and harassment information to students under s.38.12, Wis.Stats. - A 568, 1009; S 355, 698
Technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board, see TEACH board
transportation, department of Transportation, Department of
Impact statements - A 312, 994; S 257, 673
Photo release to law enforcement agencies in Wisconsin and adjacent states
 - A 985; S 243, 657
university of wisconsin hospital and clinics authority University of Wisconsin hospital and clinics authority
Annual report - A 388, 1000; S 289, 678
u.w. system U.W. System
Academic student fees (fund 131), actual expenditures - A 1015; S 711
Credits transfer from Technical college system to U.W. System
 - A 978; S 644
Minority and disadvantaged student precollege, recruitment and retention plan - A 155, 931; S 128, 596
Optional retirement plan for faculty and academic staff - A 192
Salary group/range assignment report - A 15; S 6
Sexual assault and harassment prevention - A 154, 931; S 128, 596
Wisconsin environmental policy act report - A 319, 996; S 261, 673
veterans affairs, department of Veterans affairs, Department of
Veterans programs, Council on: general summary activities report - A 361, 378; S 280
Veterans programs, Council on, see Veterans affairs, Department of
wisconsin works state employment team Wisconsin works state employment team
Annual report - S 663
women_s council Women's council
Biennial report - A 487; S 306
workforce development, department of Workforce development, Department of
Business closing and/or mass layoffs - A 104, 740; S 88, 482
Governor's Wisconsin works (W-2) and alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) task force - S 620
Job training partnership act - A 92, 986; S 82, 657
Worker's compensation fraud allegations report - A 1004; S 691
Workforce excellence, Council on: annual report - A 93; S 88
Workforce excellence, Council on, see Workforce development, Department of
resignations Resignations
Ourada, Thomas D.: resigned effective 1/29/99. Represented 35th Assembly district. - A 39
Rude, Brian D.: resigned effective 5/25/00. Represented 32nd Senate district
 - S 623
rude, brian d Rude, Brian D.
Resigned effective 5/25/00. Represented 32nd Senate district - S 623
rules _ assembly Rules — Assembly
Assembly committee structure and names established [Assembly rules 9 (1)(a), (bm), (bp), (dm), (em), (f), (h), (im), (m), (nm), (o), (p), (qd), (qs), (r), (se), (sm), (t), (vm), (y), (zm), (zp)]
(offered)A 9
(adopted)A 9
Assembly rules revised; new rules created [Assembly rules 6 (1)(c), 9 (7m), 11 (1), (3m), 13 (3), 24 (2)(a) and (b), 25 (1), 26 (3), 29 (3), 32 (1)(intro.), (b) and (c), 33 (6), 35, 42 (2), 45 (1), 52 (3), 53 (intro.), (2) and (4)(intro.) and (b), 65 (2)(e) and (g), 73 (4)(a) and (9), 89 (2), 93 (4), 95 (52), 97 (5)]
(offered)A 17
(adopted)A 24
Speakers of the Assembly and acting or interim speakers: chief clerk directed to hang photographs in same room or hall [Assembly Rule 5 (4)]
(offered)A 339
rules _ joint Rules — Joint
Conference committee considered a ``closed conference" and reports are unamendable [Joint rules 3, 3 (2), 3 (3)]
(offered)A 643
Conference committee cochairperson conferring in private prohibited; less than one-half the members conferring in private permitted [Joint rule 28]
(offered)A 490
(adopted)A 490
(offered)S 323
Conference committee failure to reach agreement in certain time period and appointment of successor conference committee [Joint rule 3 (5)]
(offered)A 490
Conference committee to meet on call of either cochairperson [Joint rules 3, 3 (2)]
(offered)A 489
(adopted)A 489
(offered)S 323
Executive budget bill: deadline for enactment established [Joint rules 3, 3 (2)]
(offered)A 491
Joint rules revised [Joint rules 14 (title), 31 (3), 44 (2)(b), 49 (3), 59, 75 (4), 96 (2)]
(offered)A 51
(adopted)A 51
(offered) - S 46
(concurred in) - S 84
Minority party representation on conference committee [Joint rule 3 (intro.)]
(offered)A 490
rules _ senate Rules — Senate
Senate rules of the 1997 Senate continued; one exception [Senate rule 21m]
(offered)S 2
(adopted)S 2
ruling of the chair _ assembly Ruling of the chair — Assembly
On AB-133: A.Amdt.25 to A.Amdt.2 to A.Sub.Amdt.1 not germane under Assembly Rule 54 (3)(c) and (5). (Ruled not well taken.) - A 257
On AB-133: committee of conference report is divisible under Assembly rule 80 (Ruled not well taken because report of the committee may not be altered or amended) - A 383
On AB-380: not properly before the Assembly under Assembly Rule 35(1). - (Taken under advisement) A 534
(Ruled not well taken) - A 547
On AB-580: not properly before the Assembly under Assembly Rule 35 (1) (Taken under advisement) - A 534
(Ruled not well taken) - A 547
On AB-801: motion to withdraw from JSCTE not in order under s.13.52 (6), Wis.Stats., re Speaker ruling precedent on p.877, 1997-98 Assembly journal (Ruled well taken) - A 814
On AB-941: A.Sub.Amdt.2 not property before the Assembly re tax exemption and expanded scope of the bill. (Ruled not well taken.) - A 921
ruling of the chair _ senate Ruling of the chair — Senate
On SB-273: motion to withdraw from committee and take up is inappropriate (Taken under advisement) - S 393
(Ruled well taken; motion to withdraw from committee should be made under the 14th order of business) - S 413
On SB-277: S.Amdt.5 not germane
(Taken under advisement.) - S 334
(Ruled well taken because the amendment incorporates the language of SB-178 and clearly expands the purpose of the bill.) - S 344
seat assignments Seat assignments
Assembly seating assignments - A 13, 67, 178
secretary of state _ communication to assembly Secretary of state — Communication to Assembly